
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Integers n such that the orbit n, f(n), f(f(n)), ... is eventually periodic with period 2, where f(n) = product(a(k)^p(k)) when n has the prime factorization n = product(p(k)^a(k)).

%I #16 May 19 2019 23:36:20

%S 8,9,18,24,25,32,36,40,45,49,50,56,63,64,75,81,88,90,96,98,99,100,104,

%T 117,120,121,125,126,128,136,144,147,150,152,153,160,162,168,169,171,

%U 175,180,184,192,196,198,200,207,216,224,225,232,234,242,243,245,248

%N Integers n such that the orbit n, f(n), f(f(n)), ... is eventually periodic with period 2, where f(n) = product(a(k)^p(k)) when n has the prime factorization n = product(p(k)^a(k)).

%C It is proved in the reference that for every positive integer n the orbit n, f(n), f(f(n)), ... is eventually periodic with period 1 or 2.

%C Includes all numbers whose prime exponents are distinct primes. If n is in this sequence and k is a squarefree number such that (k,n) = 1, then k*n is in this sequence. - _Charlie Neder_, May 16 2019

%H Paolo P. Lava, <a href="/A159836/b159836.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..5000</a>

%H M. Farrokhi, <a href="https://www.jstor.org/stable/40391138">The Prime Exponentiation of an Integer: Problem 11315</a>, Amer. Math. Monthly, 116 (2009), 470.

%p with(numtheory); P:=proc(q) local a0f,a1,a1f,a2,a2f,a3,a3f,a4,a4f,k,n;

%p for n from 1 to q do a0:=1;a1:=1;a2:=2;a3:=3;a4:=n;

%p while not (a1=a3 and a2=a4) do a0f:=ifactors(a4)[2];

%p a1:=mul(a0f[k][2]^a0f[k][1],k=1..nops(a0f)); a1f:=ifactors(a1)[2];

%p a2:=mul(a1f[k][2]^a1f[k][1],k=1..nops(a1f)); a2f:=ifactors(a2)[2];

%p a3:=mul(a2f[k][2]^a2f[k][1],k=1..nops(a2f)); a3f:=ifactors(a3)[2];

%p a4:=mul(a3f[k][2]^a3f[k][1],k=1..nops(a3f)); od;

%p if a1<>a2 then print(n); fi; od; end: P(10^6); # _Paolo P. Lava_, Oct 24 2013

%t f[n_] := Module[{f = Transpose[FactorInteger[n]]}, Times @@ (f[[2]]^f[[1]])]; Select[Range[300], (x = NestWhileList[f, #, UnsameQ, All]; x[[-2]] != x[[-1]]) &] (* _T. D. Noe_, Oct 24 2013 *)

%Y Cf. A008477, A008478.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _John W. Layman_, Apr 23 2009