%I #10 Dec 22 2023 10:46:40
%S 24,2520,503616,85380600,11267944488,1008474419568,56159712530496,
%T 1957557182156496,45750088895603400,771069955155892920,
%U 9947917198190930112,102886031599392144792,883927680158797591800
%N Number of n X n arrays of squares of integers summing to 14
%C All such sequences have holonomic recurrences (cf. comment in A159359). - _Georg Fischer_, Feb 17 2022
%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A159392/b159392.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n=2..100</a>
%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_29">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (29, -406, 3654, -23751, 118755, -475020, 1560780, -4292145, 10015005, -20030010, 34597290, -51895935, 67863915, -77558760, 77558760, -67863915, 51895935, -34597290, 20030010, -10015005, 4292145, -1560780, 475020, -118755, 23751, -3654, 406, -29, 1).
%F Empirical G.f.: -24*x^2*(1+x)*(1 + 75*x + 18270*x^2 + 2969695*x^3 + 371519352*x^4 + 29402869921*x^5 + 1270115156506*x^6 + 27861646979401*x^7 + 320243742405791*x^8 + 2035253623371844*x^9 + 7457245326412232*x^10 + 16147921368666408*x^11 + 20880695398301008*x^12 + 16147921368666408*x^13 + 7457245326412232*x^14 + 2035253623371844*x^15 + 320243742405791*x^16 + 27861646979401*x^17 + 1270115156506*x^18 + 29402869921*x^19 + 371519352*x^20 + 2969695*x^21 + 18270*x^22 + 75*x^23 + x^24)/(-1+x)^29. - _Vaclav Kotesovec_, Nov 30 2012
%K nonn
%O 2,1
%A _R. H. Hardin_ Apr 11 2009