%I #9 Jul 22 2014 22:08:57
%S 2999,8999,101999,164999,179999,230999,272999,293999,326999,389999,
%T 410999,419999,443999,512999,524999,536999,659999,662999,773999,
%U 788999,794999,800999,818999,890999,920999,932999,989999,1028999,1058999,1136999,1187999,1238999
%N The lesser of twin prime pairs with each prime in a different millennia.
%C The sequence is conjecturally infinite; note that terms ending 9999 straddle ten millennia.
%Y Cf. A060229, A158277.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Ki Punches_, Mar 28 2009
%E Corrected and extended by _Ray Chandler_ and _R. J. Mathar_, Apr 03 2009