The only primes in single-prime centuries.

%I #12 Jul 22 2014 22:08:57

%S 155921,268343,413353,1004873,1140091,1272749,1280023,1357201,1422367,

%T 1444309,1451423,1468079,1491377,1553653,1561919,1653853,1655707,

%U 1733449,1904311,2045213,2046553,2052217,2116291,2166319,2244091

%N The only primes in single-prime centuries.

%F A prime p is in the sequence iff it is the only prime in range (100*Floor(p/100),100*Ceiling(p/100)).

%t Prime[Last[#]]&/@Select[Partition[PrimePi[100Range[30000]],2,1], Last[#]- First[#]==1&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Nov 06 2011 *)

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Ki Punches_, Feb 15 2009

%E Edited and extended by _Ray Chandler_, Feb 20 2009

%E Definition corrected by _Ki Punches_, Feb 24 2009