Five-digit mountain-type primes that increase to and decrease from the central digit, including palindromes.

%I #17 Feb 23 2019 19:52:02

%S 12421,12541,12641,12653,12721,12743,12763,12821,12841,12853,12941,

%T 12953,12973,12983,13421,13721,13751,13763,13831,13841,13873,13921,

%U 13931,13963,14543,14621,14653,14731,14741,14753,14821,14831,14843,14851,14951,14983

%N Five-digit mountain-type primes that increase to and decrease from the central digit, including palindromes.

%C Sequence is finite, ending with a(185) = 78941.

%H Nathaniel Johnston, <a href="/A156116/b156116.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..185</a> (full sequence)

%p for a from 1 to 9 do for b from a+1 to 9 do for c from b+1 to 9 do for d from 2 to c-1 do for e from 1 to d-1 do n:=10000*a+1000*b+100*c+10*d+e: if(isprime(n))then printf("%d, ",n): fi: od:od:od:od:od: # _Nathaniel Johnston_, Jun 23 2011

%K nonn,base,easy,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _Ki Punches_, Feb 14 2009

%E Minor edits by _Ray Chandler_, Feb 20 2009