Numbers n such that 2*A064413(n) = 3n.

%I #9 Nov 06 2013 17:12:19

%S 4,6,12,16,34,38,58,62

%N Numbers n such that 2*A064413(n) = 3n.

%C The EKG sequence A064413 has 3 critical lines.

%C Points which belong to the critical lines:

%C (1) A064413(n)=n see A152458,

%C (3/2) 2*A064413(n)=3n see A152519,

%C (1/2) 2*A064413(n)=n contains only 2 numbers: {10, 14}.

%C Only 12 and 16 in this sequence are not of the form 2*prime.

%C Because points are concentrated on the plot of EKG sequence near these 3 critical lines, the number of points belonging to critical lines is surprisingly low.

%C Conjecture: Number of points on 3 crtitical lines of EKG sequence is finite (and complete?). [_Artur Jasinski_, Dec 08 2008]

%Y Cf. A064413, A152458.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Artur Jasinski_, Dec 06 2008, Dec 08 2008