Table of Self / Colombian numbers and their descendents.

%I #11 Dec 25 2021 18:35:23

%S 1,2,3,4,6,5,8,12,10,7,16,15,11,14,9,23,21,13,19,18,20,28,24,17,29,27,

%T 22,31,38,30,25,40,36,26,35,42,49,33,32,44,45,34,43,48,53,62,39,37,52,

%U 54,41,50,60,61,64,70,51,47,59,63,46,55,66,68,74,75,77,57,58,73,72,56

%N Table of Self / Colombian numbers and their descendents.

%C Initially resembles a permutation of the integers, but this is not the case. 101 is the first number to appear twice, descending from both 91 and 100: 91 + 9+1 = 100 + 1+0+0 = 101

%H D. R. Kaprekar, <a href="/A003052/a003052_2.pdf">The Mathematics of the New Self Numbers</a> [annotated and scanned]

%H <a href="/index/Coi#Colombian">Index entries for Colombian or self numbers and related sequences</a>

%F T(r,0) are those numbers not of form n + sum of digits of n (Self numbers)

%F T(r,c) = T(r,c-1) + sum of digits of T(r,c-1)

%Y First column of table is the Self numbers: A003052; First through eighth rows are A004207, A016052, A007618, A006507, A016096, A036227, A036228 respectively.

%K base,easy,nonn,tabl

%O 1,2

%A _Carl R. White_, Jul 13 2009