2^(2^n)*( (2^(n-1))! )^2*binomial(2*n,n).

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 16:51:07

%S 8,384,2949120,7457942274048000,

%T 473804945588441678165307763458048000000,

%U 1180144503132859774172436967820251490293315957318932076130423256619673861908070400000000000000

%N 2^(2^n)*( (2^(n-1))! )^2*binomial(2*n,n).

%C The number of most-perfect magic squares of order 2^m where m>=2.

%C The next term is too large to include here.

%p f:=m->2^(2^m)*( (2^(m-1))! )^2*binomial(2*m,m);

%Y A subsequence of A151932. Cf. A051235.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Aug 12 2009, based on email from Reinhardt Wiewe.