%I #2 Mar 30 2012 18:54:14
%S 1,1,5,13,49,177,667,2543,10041,39539,158603,639927,2607159,10666927,
%T 43932533,181850695,755611295,3151697829,13194669577,55399106349,
%U 233230763877,984474496333,4165302588113,17658641745695,75013802642433,319243175216361,1360852049360291,5810001118731197
%N Number of walks within N^3 (the first octant of Z^3) starting at (0,0,0) and consisting of n steps taken from {(-1, -1, 0), (-1, 1, -1), (0, 1, -1), (1, 0, -1), (1, 1, 1)}
%H A. Bostan and M. Kauers, 2008. Automatic Classification of Restricted Lattice Walks, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.2899">ArXiv 0811.2899</a>.
%t aux[i_Integer, j_Integer, k_Integer, n_Integer] := Which[Min[i, j, k, n] < 0 || Max[i, j, k] > n, 0, n == 0, KroneckerDelta[i, j, k, n], True, aux[i, j, k, n] = aux[-1 + i, -1 + j, -1 + k, -1 + n] + aux[-1 + i, j, 1 + k, -1 + n] + aux[i, -1 + j, 1 + k, -1 + n] + aux[1 + i, -1 + j, 1 + k, -1 + n] + aux[1 + i, 1 + j, k, -1 + n]]; Table[Sum[aux[i, j, k, n], {i, 0, n}, {j, 0, n}, {k, 0, n}], {n, 0, 10}]
%K nonn,walk
%O 0,3
%A _Manuel Kauers_, Nov 18 2008