Squarefree positive integers of the form u*v*(u^2-v^2) for some integer u,v.

%I #5 Jun 27 2023 09:48:22

%S 6,30,210,330,546,2310,2730,3570,4290,5610,6090,6630,7854,8970,9690,

%T 10374,10626,13566,18354,19866,22134,25806,26970,39270,43890,51330,

%U 51414,52026,54834,56730,59334,66990,68034,71610,72930,74046,75174

%N Squarefree positive integers of the form u*v*(u^2-v^2) for some integer u,v.

%F Squarefree terms of A147778. Squarefree terms of A073120. Squarefree terms of A009112.

%F Terms of A006991 (primitive congruent numbers) corresponding to right triangles with integer sides.

%Y Cf. A003273, A006991, A009112, A073120, A147778.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Max Alekseyev_, Nov 12 2008