Weight distribution of [76,38,12] double circulant code.

%I #5 Jul 15 2020 12:34:01

%S 1,0,0,0,0,0,2109,0,86469,961704,7489059,53574224,275509215,

%T 1113906312,3626095793,9404812736,19610283420,33067534032,45200010670,

%U 50157375456,45200010670,33067534032,19610283420,9404812736

%N Weight distribution of [76,38,12] double circulant code.

%C Taken from the Tjhai-Tomlinson web site.

%H Georg Fischer, <a href="/A146895/b146895.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..38</a>

%H C. J. Tjhai and Martin Tomlinson, <a href="http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/Research/fixed_and_mobile_communications/links/weightdistributions.htm"> Weight Distributions of Quadratic Residue and Quadratic Double Circulant Codes over GF(2)</a>

%H <a href="/wiki/List_of_weight_distributions">List of weight distributions</a>

%e The weight distribution is:

%e i A_i

%e 0 1

%e 12 2109

%e 16 86469

%e 18 961704

%e 20 7489059

%e 22 53574224

%e 24 275509215

%e 26 1113906312

%e 28 3626095793

%e 30 9404812736

%e 32 19610283420

%e 34 33067534032

%e 36 45200010670

%e 38 50157375456

%e 40 45200010670

%e 42 33067534032

%e 44 19610283420

%e 46 9404812736

%e 48 3626095793

%e 50 1113906312

%e 52 275509215

%e 54 53574224

%e 56 7489059

%e 58 961704

%e 60 86469

%e 64 2109

%e 76 1

%K nonn,fini,full

%O 0,7

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Apr 18 2009

%E Zeroes inserted by _Georg Fischer_, Jul 15 2020