%I #29 Sep 26 2023 08:38:56
%S 2,3,6,7,8,10,10,26,26,29,29,29,29,33,62,65,68,65,68,69
%N A nonsense sequence.
%C Previous name was: An example of a sequence produced by the Basveo Algorithm.
%C The Basveo Algorithm
%C 1) Pick an integer N;
%C 2) Convert N into base B, e.g., B=16;
%C 3) Extract the last digit from N when represented in Base B and call it L;
%C 4) Pick another integer D and divide L/D;
%C 5) Pick two functions you would like to apply to N, functions F and G, e.g., F(N)=N+1 and G(N)=N-1;
%C 6) If L/D is an integer then apply function F to N;
%C 7) Else if L/D is not an integer then apply function G to N;
%C 8) Take your new N and apply the Algorithm to your new N a total of I times.
%H Audacity Forum, <a href="https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/quantumised-effects/2392">Quantumised Effects</a>
%H Kellen Myers, <a href="http://math.colgate.edu/~kellen/interspace/basveo.pdf">basveo.pdf</a>
%t (* Warning: the following program does not compute the terms of this sequence, _Joerg Arndt_, Aug 17 2015 *)
%t PreBasveo[w_, x_] := Ceiling[x/w - Floor[x/w]]*5; Basveo[w_, x_, y_, z_, i_] := If[PreBasveo[w, Last[IntegerDigits[y, x]]] > 0, y + z, y + i]; ItterativeBasveo[x1_, x2_, x3_, x4_, x5_, x6_] := Catch[Basvar = x4; For[i = 1, i < x1, Basvar = Basveo[x2, x3, Basvar, x5, x6]; i++ ]; Throw[Basvar] ]; SqrRange[x_] := IntegerPart[x]; TriRange[x_] := IntegerPart[(Sqrt[8x + 1] - 1)/2]; For[A=2,A<32,Print[Mod[ItterativeBasveo[SqrRange[A]^2-SqrRange[A],7,9,A,SqrRange[A],SqrRange[A]-1+SqrRange[SqrRange[A]]+1],6]] ;A++ ];
%K base,nonn,less,uned,obsc
%O 1,1
%A Luke Andrew Marsh (luke(AT)lamarsh.org.uk), Sep 19 2008