%I #8 Mar 11 2014 01:32:26
%S 34,39,46,51,55,68,69,74,82,85,87,91,92,93,94,95,106,111,115,117,118,
%T 119,123,129,133,134,136,141,142,145,148,153,155,158,159,164,177,178,
%U 183,184,187,188,194,202,203,205,207,212,213,214,215,217,219,226,235
%N Arrange the distinct prime divisors of each non-prime-power positive integer n in order from smallest to largest. n is included in sequence A141699 if the differences between consecutive primes in the arrangement of primes are all non-prime-powers.
%e 1564 has the prime factorization 2^2 *17^1 *23^1. So the distinct primes dividing 1564 are 2, 17 and 23. 17-2 = 15, which is not a power of a prime. 23 -17 = 6, which is also not a power of a prime. So 1564 is included in this sequence.
%Y Cf. A024619.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Leroy Quet_, Jun 30 2008
%E Extended by _Ray Chandler_, Jun 22 2009