%I #30 Feb 19 2021 02:16:13
%S 5,11,29,37,41,47,59,79,89,97,101,103,107,113,113,127,139,137,139,149,
%T 149,151,167,167,157,163,179,179,181,181,181,181,181,179,173,181,179,
%U 191,181,179,181,179,179,191,191,193,193,179,181,179,173,179,173,179
%N Primes of the form 7*k - prime(k) (terms can be repeated).
%C For n>=1, list 7*k-prime(k) if abs(7*k-prime(k)) is prime. Terms are negative for n >= 114. - _Joerg Arndt_, Sep 03 2020
%C Some terms appear many times. For example, in the first 1000 terms, 179 appears 12 times. There are only 755 distinct terms in the first 1000 terms. - _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 15 2020
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A141561/b141561.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%e 7*60 - prime(60) = 420 - 281 = 139, so 139 appears in the sequence;
%e 7*68 - prime(68) = 476 - 337 = 139, so 139 appears again.
%t Select[Table[7n-Prime[n],{n,250}],PrimeQ] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 15 2020 *)
%Y Cf. A000040.
%K sign,less,dumb
%O 1,1
%A _Juri-Stepan Gerasimov_, Aug 14 2008
%E Edited, corrected and extended by _Ray Chandler_, Aug 19 2008