Numbers n whose digits satisfy the following Diophantine equation: P = (X1* ... *Xr)/(X1+ ... +Xr), where P = prime number, Xi = digits of n.

%I #13 Jun 14 2024 23:20:04

%S 36,44,63,66,138,145,154,159,167,176,183,195,224,235,242,253,257,275,

%T 279,297,318,325,333,345,352,354,357,375,381,415,422,435,451,453,514,

%U 519,523,527,532,534,537,541,543,572,573,591,617,671,716,725,729,735

%N Numbers n whose digits satisfy the following Diophantine equation: P = (X1* ... *Xr)/(X1+ ... +Xr), where P = prime number, Xi = digits of n.

%e n = 761, we have (7*6*1)/(7+6+1) = 3; a(56)= 761.

%e n = 792, we have (7*9*2)/(7+9+2) = 7; a(57)= 792.

%e n = 813, we have (8*1*3)/(8+1+3) = 2; a(58)= 813.

%t Block[{i = k, r = {}}, r = Table[p = IntegerDigits@i; If[PrimeQ[Times @@ p/Total@p], k, Nothing], {k, 735}];r] (* _Mikk Heidemaa_, May 26 2024 *)

%Y Subsequence of A038367.

%Y Cf. A137923.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Ctibor O. Zizka_, May 12 2008