Indices among the primes of the primes in A054356, The Five Hysterical Girls Theorem.

%I #6 Mar 30 2012 17:33:54

%S 471,3570,28674,28743,13077233344

%N Indices among the primes of the primes in A054356, The Five Hysterical Girls Theorem.

%C Subset of A138126.

%C Note that all members, in base 10, contain the digit 7 and do not contains the digit 9.

%C All members of A054356 (The Five Hysterical Girls Theorem) are prime numbers.

%e A000040(471) ....... = 3343

%e A000040(3570) ...... = 33343

%e A000040(28674) ..... = 333433

%e A000040(28743) ..... = 334333

%e A000040(13077233344) = 333333433343

%Y Cf. A000040, A020461, A054356, A138126.

%K easy,nonn,less

%O 1,1

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Mar 25 2008