a(n) = n*453060.

%I #9 Oct 11 2023 11:40:14

%S 0,453060,906120,1359180,1812240,2265300,2718360,3171420,3624480,

%T 4077540,4530600,4983660,5436720,5889780,6342840,6795900,7248960,

%U 7702020,8155080,8608140,9061200,9514260,9967320,10420380,10873440

%N a(n) = n*453060.

%C The first positive member of this sequence and some of its multiples are related to the exceptional Lie group E_8 calculation. The result of the calculation is a matrix with 453060 rows and columns. The size of the matrix is a(1)=453060 and the number of entries of the matrix is a(453060)=453060*453060=205263363600.

%H The American Institute of Mathematics, <a href="http://aimath.org/E8">Mathematicians Maps E_8</a>.

%e a(1) = 453060. a(453060) = 453060*453060 = 205263363600.

%t 453060 Range[0,30] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Oct 11 2023 *)

%Y Cf. A064730, A134888, A134950, A135639.

%K easy,nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Nov 27 2007