Numbers such that the square root of the sum of squares of their prime factors is a nonprime integer.

%I #14 May 21 2013 19:01:29

%S 16,81,351,512,625,1080,1260,1350,1375,1792,1836,2070,2145,2175,2401,

%T 2730,2772,3510,4104,4305,4625,4650,4655,4998,5880,6000,6545,7098,

%U 7182,7791,7889,7956,9030,9108,9295,9324,10098,10368,10545,11628,11935,12096

%N Numbers such that the square root of the sum of squares of their prime factors is a nonprime integer.

%C No prime number is a term. - _Hieronymus Fischer_, Apr 19 2011

%H Hieronymus Fischer, <a href="/A134606/b134606.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%e a(3)=351, since 351=3*3*3*13 and sqrt(3*3^2+13^2)=sqrt(196)=14.

%Y Cf. A001597, A025475, A134333, A134344, A134376.

%Y Cf. A134600, A134602, A134608, A134611, A134616, A134618, A134620.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Hieronymus Fischer_, Nov 11 2007