%I #18 Nov 28 2020 13:10:42
%S 14639,1771559
%N Primes of the form 11^k - 2.
%C Last digit of all terms is 9.
%C The nest term (11^22420-2) is too large to be displayed; see A133982 for the corresponding k. - _Joerg Arndt_, Nov 28 2020
%e a(1) = 11^4 - 2 = 14639,
%e a(2) = 11^6 - 2 = 1771559.
%Y Cf. A104096 (largest prime <= 11^n), A130652, A128472, A084714 (smallest prime of the form (2n-1)^k - 2).
%Y Cf. A014224, A109080, A090669, A128455, A133982, A128457, A128458, A128459, A128460, A128461.
%K nonn,bref,hard
%O 1,1
%A _Alexander Adamchuk_, Sep 27 2007