%I #5 Mar 30 2012 18:40:44
%S 7,53,401,617,2713,4721,127217,203321,667577,1188857,3630521,8320057,
%T 11314657,12776761,14301073,24176441,37117433,50051873,56806201,
%U 73176001,82465553,107075321,176802361,234461753,324138041,324408401
%N Primes made from cubes with every digit decreased by 1 and no carrying.
%C A000040 INTERSECTION {n-digit cube in A000578 - n-digit repdigit A002275(n) if that subtraction in base 10 is digit by digit with no carrying}. There are no other values less than 1000^3.
%C Created from table of cubes up to 500000^3: there may be missing terms! - _R. J. Mathar_, Jan 08 2008
%e In order of the size of the prime, not the initial cube, so that the sequence is strictly increasing:
%e 2^3 - 1 = 7
%e 4^3 - 11 = 53
%e 8^3 - 111 = 401
%e 12^3 - 1111 = 617
%e 24^3 - 11111 = 2713
%e 18^3 - 1111 = 4721
%e 62^3 - 111111 = 127217
%e 68^3 - 111111 = 203321
%e 92^3 - 111111 = 667577
%e 132^3 - 1111111 = 1188857
%e 168^3 - 1111111 = 3630521
%e 2232^3 - 11111111111 = 8320057
%e 282^3 - 11111111 = 11314657
%e 288^3 - 11111111 = 12776761
%e 294^3 - 11111111 = 14301073
%e 328^3 - 11111111 = 24176441
%e 364^3 - 11111111 = 37117433
%e 394^3 - 11111111 = 50051873
%e 408^3 - 11111111 = 56806201
%e 1058^3 - 1111111111 = 73176001
%e 454^3 - 11111111 = 82465553
%Y Cf. A000040, A000578, A002275, A061844.
%K base,easy,nonn,less
%O 1,1
%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Dec 27 2007
%E Corrected and extended by _R. J. Mathar_, Jan 08 2008