Starting from the standard 12 against 12 starting position in checkers, the sequence gives the number of distinct move sequences after n moves.

%I #32 Dec 24 2024 10:39:51

%S 1,7,49,302,1469,7361,36768,179740,845931,3963680,18391564,85242128,

%T 388623673,1766623630,7978439499,36263167175,165629569428,

%U 758818810990,3493881706141,16114043592799,74545030871553,345100524480819,1602372721738102,7437536860666213,34651381875296000,161067479882075800,752172458688067137,3499844183628002605,16377718018836900735,76309690522352444005

%N Starting from the standard 12 against 12 starting position in checkers, the sequence gives the number of distinct move sequences after n moves.

%C Duplicate captures (viz. the situation where a king can capture the same pieces in different directions) are counted separately.

%D C. A. Pickover, The Math Book, Sterling, NY, 2009; see p. 512.

%H A. Bik, <a href="http://www.aartbik.com/MISC/checkers.html">Aart's Computer Checkers Page</a>

%H M. Fierz, <a href="http://checker-board.blogspot.com/">CheckerBoard</a>

%H I. Korshunov, <a href="http://www.shashki.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&amp;file=viewtopic&amp;t=627&amp;postorder=asc">Standard correctness check for a move generator</a> [in Russian]

%H Jonathan Schaeffer et al., <a href="http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/1144079">Checkers is solved</a>, Science, Vol. 317. no. 5844, pp. 1518-1522, Sep 14 2007.

%Y Cf. A133047, A055213.

%K nonn,nice

%O 0,2

%A Jonathan Schaeffer (jonathan(AT)cs.ualberta.ca), Dec 27 2007

%E a(12)-a(20) computed by _Aart Bik_ and sent by _Richard Bean_, Sep 18 2009

%E a(21)-a(26) computed by _Aart Bik_, with last two completed Sep 18 2012. Rein Halbersma was first to compute a(22). Murray Cash confirmed Aart's a(23) and a(24) results.

%E a(27)-a(28) first computed by _Aart Bik_, Sep 2012. Paul Byrne confirmed Aart's a(23)-a(28).

%E a(29) from _Murray Cash_, Nov 20 2020