Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.
n | a(n) |
1 | 23571113 |
2 | 357111317 |
3 | 5711131719 |
4 | 71113171923 |
5 | 111317192329 |
6 | 131719232931 |
7 | 171923293137 |
8 | 192329313741 |
9 | 232931374143 |
10 | 293137414347 |
11 | 313741434753 |
12 | 374143475359 |
13 | 414347535961 |
14 | 434753596167 |
15 | 475359616771 |
16 | 535961677173 |
[23571113,357111317,5711131719,71113171923, 111317192329,131719232931,171923293137, 192329313741,232931374143,293137414347, 313741434753,374143475359,414347535961, 434753596167,475359616771,535961677173] |