%I #8 Jan 28 2022 01:10:33
%S 255,253,251,250,252,248,246,245,247,243,242,244,249,240,238,237,239,
%T 235,233,232,234,230,229,231,236,227,225,224,226,222,221,223,228,241,
%U 219,217,216,218,214,212,211,213,209,208,210,215,206,204,203,205,201
%N Sequence created based upon the value of the infinite Fibonacci word after truncating the first few terms built from placing 1,2,3.. into the sequence wherein each number is inserted at points based upon the value of the truncated Fibonacci word.
%C Related to A132827. See further comments there.
%C I am not certain this sequence is accurate, but it is still interesting. See comments in A132827.
%H Kenneth J Ramsey, Sep 03 2007, <a href="/A132828/b132828.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..254</a>
%e 1, 3, 8, 21, 55, 144, ... appear at the end of the sequence presumably since the infinite word after truncating the first 0, 2, 7, 20, 54, 143 terms has more 1's to the left side of the sequence. Consider the value where the terms to the right are 2 raised to increasingly negative powers.
%Y Cf. A132827, A132917, A133117.
%K nonn,uned
%O 0,1
%A _Kenneth J Ramsey_, Sep 03 2007