Column 2 of triangle A132610.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 18:37:04

%S 1,1,6,76,1510,41121,1424178,59857416,2957282370,167852629965,

%T 10757980606208,768190770422700,60461731639747100,5199414726620992073,

%U 484974399630368105130,48763257278485285019472

%N Column 2 of triangle A132610.

%C Triangle T=A132610 is generated by even matrix powers of itself such that row n+1 of T = row n of T^(2n) with appended '1' for n>=0 with T(0,0)=1.

%o (PARI) {a(n)=local(A=vector(n+3), p); A[1]=1; for(j=1, n-1, p=(n+1)^2-(n-j+1)^2; A=Vec((Polrev(A)+x*O(x^p))/(1-x))); A=Vec((Polrev(A)+x*O(x^p))/(1-x)); A[p+1]}

%Y Cf. A132610 (triangle); other columns: A132611, A132612; A132614.

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Paul D. Hanna_, Aug 23 2007