Egyptian fraction representation for the cube root of 68.

%I #1 Nov 10 2007 03:00:00

%S 13,212,66473,6240580667,48194374291045738507,

%T 22978837860180642079359699954189906987947,

%U 531501233588695383064013336301807101380378415811944812454220178707544379304695616

%N Egyptian fraction representation for the cube root of 68.

%C Fractional part of 68^(1/3) = 1/13 + 1/212 + 1/66473 + ... Generated with Perl's Math::BigFloat module. Number of digits in terms is as follows: 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 41, 81, 163, 325, ...

%e Cube root of 68 = 4.0816551019173480705657816132260429652072765824534...

%K frac,nonn

%O 1,1

%A Jonathan Wellons (wellons(AT)gmail.com), Aug 23 2007