%I #3 Jan 09 2009 03:00:00
%S 238,257,277,337,525,699,911,1135,1147,1257,1349,1466,1504,1544,1664,
%T 1992,2024
%N (c,n) is the n-th number for which the Esucarys sequence starting from it reaches 238 and from there runs in a 18 steps loop.
%e For c<257 except 238 itself, sequences E(c) never reaches 238
%e S(257) = 772 then E(257) =277
%e S(277) = 832 then E(277)= 238 then (c,1) = 238 and (c,2)=257
%Y Cf. A006577, A129121.
%K easy,nonn,uned
%O 1,1
%A Philippe LALLOUET (philip.lallouet(AT)wanadoo.fr), May 25 2007