Number of solutions to x/3 + y/4 + z/6 < n with x,y,z>=1 .

%I #8 Jun 16 2018 20:34:29

%S 2,47,206,551,1154,2087,3422,5231,7586,10559,14222,18647,23906,30071,

%T 37214,45407,54722,65231,77006,90119,104642,120647,138206,157391,

%U 178274,200927,225422,251831,280226,310679,343262,378047,415106,454511,496334

%N Number of solutions to x/3 + y/4 + z/6 < n with x,y,z>=1 .

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_04">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (4,-6,4,-1).

%F a(n)=12*n^3-15*n^2+6*n-1 .

%F G.f.: x*(2+39*x+30*x^2+x^3) / (x-1)^4 . - _R. J. Mathar_, Apr 26 2015

%t LinearRecurrence[{4,-6,4,-1},{2,47,206,551},50] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jun 16 2018 *)

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,1

%A _Philippe Deléham_, Apr 11 2007