a(n) is the smallest number such that the product of its digits is n times the sum of its digits, or 0 if no such number exists.
1, 36, 66, 88, 257, 268, 279, 448, 369, 459, 0, 666, 0, 578, 579, 678, 0, 1689, 0, 2558, 789, 0, 0, 1899, 13557, 0, 999, 3477, 0, 2589, 0, 2688, 0, 0, 13578, 3489, 0, 0, 0, 3588, 0, 2799, 0, 0, 4569, 0, 0, 4668, 4677, 5568, 0, 0, 0, 3699, 0, 3789, 0, 0, 0, 4599, 0, 0
a(11) = 0. Proof: 11 is a prime number and the product of digits of a number in base 10 can never be a multiple of 11. - Stefan Steinerberger, Jun 07 2007
More generally, a(n) = 0 for all n which are divisible by a prime bigger than 7. This means that the sequence will almost always be 0 (with the set of exceptions having density 0). In each term the digits will be increasing (otherwise we could rearrange the digits so that they form a smaller number with the specified property). If no prime factors of n exceed 7, does this mean that a(n) is not 0? - Stefan Steinerberger, Jun 14 2007
a(2)=36 because 3*6/(3+6) = 2 and no number smaller than 36 has this property.
for n from 1 to 10 do b:=proc(k) local kk: kk:=convert(k, base, 10): if product(kk[j], j=1..nops(kk))=n*sum(kk[j], j=1..nops(kk)) then k else fi end: a[n]:=[seq(b(k), k=1..1000)][1]: od: seq(a[n], n=1..10); # program works only for n from 1 to 10 Emeric Deutsch, Mar 07 2007
a[1] := 1; a[n_] := Module[{}, k = 0; If[FactorInteger[n][[ -1, 1]] < 8, k = 1; While[Times @@ IntegerDigits[k] != n*Plus @@ IntegerDigits[k], k++ ]]; k]; Table[a[i], {i, 1, 80}] (* Stefan Steinerberger, Jun 14 2007 *)
This sequence is a subsequence of A061013 (Product of digits of n) is divisible by (sum of digits of n), where 0's are not permitted.
Sequence in context: A269499 A074315 A240520 * A176623 A211724 A250771
Tanya Khovanova, Feb 19 2007
More terms from Emeric Deutsch, Mar 07 2007
More terms from Stefan Steinerberger, Jun 14 2007