Column 4 of table A125860; also equals row sums of matrix power A097712^4.

%I #3 Mar 30 2012 18:37:02

%S 1,5,35,365,5990,161525,7387640,586285040,82090572095,20540291522675,

%T 9278896006526795,7632398133742637255,11514756687812563119530,

%U 32063466203746720003813970,165699104606274900865952221145

%N Column 4 of table A125860; also equals row sums of matrix power A097712^4.

%C Equals column 0 of matrix power A097712^5, where triangle A097712 satisfies recurrence: A097712(n,k) = A097712(n-1,k) + [A097712^2](n-1,k-1).

%Y Cf. A125860; A097712; other columns: A016121, A125862, A125863, A125865; A125861 (diagonal), A125859 (antidiagonal sums).

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Paul D. Hanna_, Dec 13 2006