Numbers in A055039 but not in A044075.

%I #17 Apr 06 2015 14:02:42

%S 238,494,750,910,926,942,952,958,1006,1262,1518,1774,1934,1950,1966,

%T 1976,1982,2030,2286,2542,2798,2958,2974,2990,3000,3006,3054,3310,

%U 3566,3598,3614,3630,3640,3646,3662,3678,3694,3704,3710,3726,3742,3758,3768

%N Numbers in A055039 but not in A044075.

%C Numbers whose base 4 representation ends in 3,2 followed by some number of zeros and includes at least one other 3,2. This means that, in spite of the initial terms, asymptotically most members of A055039 are not in A044075. In fact, A055039 has density 1/12, while A044075 has density zero. - _Franklin T. Adams-Watters_, Dec 04 2006

%H R. J. Mathar, <a href="/A124169/b124169.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n=1..3449</a>

%o (PARI) { hex14(n)=local(m);m=n;while(m,if(m%16==14,return(1));m\=16);0 }

%o for(n=1,10^4, k=n; while(k%4==0,k\=4); if(k%16!=14,next); if(hex14(k-14)||hex14((k-14)\4),print1(n,",")) ) \\ _Max Alekseyev_, Dec 04 2006

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 04 2006

%E More terms from _Max Alekseyev_ and _Klaus Brockhaus_, Dec 04 2006