Position of first occurrence of n in A121382.

%I #10 Jul 11 2015 14:30:17

%S 1,6,24,160,30,84,60,120,180,960,360,504,1008,210,1470,2550,1050,420,

%T 630,924,840,1260,1320,2184,2520,2640,3120,5712,6120,5040,8400,9360,

%U 10080,13440,13200,18900,15120,23760,25200,26400,2310,30240,40320

%N Position of first occurrence of n in A121382.

%C Records are: 1, 6, 24, 30, 60, 120, 180, 210, 420, 840, 1260, 1320, 2184, 2310, 4620, 7140, 7980, 9240, ..., 30030, ....

%t f[n_] := Block[{d = Divisors@n, m = DivisorSigma[0, n], s = {}}, If[m == 2, 1, Do[ AppendTo[s, {d[[p]], d[[q]], d[[r]]}], {r, m}, {q, r}, {p, q}]; Length@ Select[s, Times @@ # == n && GCD[ #[[1]], #[[2]]] == GCD[ #[[2]], #[[3]]] == 1 &]]]; t = Table[0, {125}]; Do[ a = f@n; If[ t[[a]] == 0, t[[a]] = n; Print[{a, n}]], {n, 43500}]

%Y Cf. A121382.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_ and _Robert G. Wilson v_, Sep 12 2006