Sum of all Wiener indices of "chemical" trees described by A000602(n).

%I #11 Mar 03 2015 00:56:51

%S 0,1,4,19,54,155,432,1252,3384,9714,26752,75836,213058,603791,1702868,

%T 4830747,13666890,38742120,109715858,310884129,880368618,2493252951,

%U 7058102770,19978082407,56531061316,159932660960,452354328946,1279190479845,3616595649500

%N Sum of all Wiener indices of "chemical" trees described by A000602(n).

%C C program, see the first Bomfim link, around the function Gen() of Gang Li & Frank Ruskey.

%D S. Wagner, Graph-theoretical enumeration and digital expansions: an analytic approach, Dissertation, Fakult. f. Tech. Math. u. Tech. Physik, Tech. Univ. Graz, Austria, Feb., 2006.

%H W. Bomfim, <a href="https://oeis.org/w/images/7/7b/FreeWiener4_2.txt">C program</a>

%H Stephan Wagner, <a href="http://www.cs.sun.ac.za/~swagner/avwiener.pdf">On the average Wiener index of degree-restricted trees</a>

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Sep 23 2006

%E a(11)-a(29) from _Washington Bomfim_, Feb 24 2011