Primes with n consecutive digits ascending beginning with the digit eight.

%I #3 Mar 30 2012 17:31:20

%S 2,82,152

%N Primes with n consecutive digits ascending beginning with the digit eight.

%C Digits are in ascending order beginning with 8 and after 9 comes 0.

%C The sequence "Primes with n consecutive digits descending beginning with the digit eight" has no terms.

%e 2 is a term since 89 is a prime.

%t fQ[n_] := PrimeQ@ FromDigits@ Mod[7+Range@n, 10]; lst = {}; Do[ If[fQ@n, AppendTo[lst, n]; Print@n], {n, 5000}]; lst

%Y Cf. A006055, A120819, A120820, A120821, A120822, A120823, A120824, A120825, A120827.

%K base,bref,hard,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Jul 05 2006