Numbers n such that the sum of the first n odd composites is palindromic in base 2.

%I #5 Oct 02 2013 15:12:50

%S 1,3,7,19,137,139,155,379,1509,4877,9509,13015,44819,75595,245027,

%T 804463,1082053,1154293,5802669,10186839,52333761,81509017,130656729,

%U 375417331,476594459,1955429145,9051994251,12788782787

%N Numbers n such that the sum of the first n odd composites is palindromic in base 2.

%e The sum of the first 19 odd composites, when written in binary, is the palindrome 1101111011, so 19 is in the sequence.

%Y Cf. A058848 (palindromic in base 10).

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Ryan Propper_, May 12 2006