Numbers whose base-3, base-4, base-5, and base-6 expansions contain no 1's.

%I #16 Mar 03 2019 07:01:35

%S 0,2,560,43760,163854,164018,870899850,870899852,870900354,870900360,

%T 870900362,870907842,870907848,870907850,870977340,870977342,

%U 871016994,871017138,871017144,871018188,871018190,871018440,871018442,871025312

%N Numbers whose base-3, base-4, base-5, and base-6 expansions contain no 1's.

%e 560 is in the sequence because 560 = 202202_3, 20300_4, 4220_5 and 2332_6.

%p a:=proc(n) if member(1,convert(n,base,3))=false and member(1,convert(n,base,4))=false and member(1,convert(n,base,5))=false and member(1,convert(n,base,6))=false then n else fi end: seq(a(n),n=0..300000); # _Emeric Deutsch_, Jul 25 2006

%t Select[Range[0,880000000],Count[Flatten[Table[IntegerDigits[#,n],{n,3,6}]], 1]==0&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Oct 30 2011 *) (* The program takes a long time to generate all the terms of the sequence *)

%Y Subsequence of A117496 (base-3 and base-4).

%K base,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Zak Seidov_, Apr 26 2006

%E More terms from _Joshua Zucker_, Aug 12 2006