Numbers k such that k*(k+6) gives the concatenation of two numbers m and m-1.

%I #9 Jul 18 2021 02:56:41

%S 7744,8018,33294315,66705680,98000198,340465755422,476452552742,

%T 523547447253,659534244573,866013200678,998000001998,3695104677080131,

%U 3755782995538765,4198081170077528,4803478892324963,5196521107675032

%N Numbers k such that k*(k+6) gives the concatenation of two numbers m and m-1.

%e 98000198 * 98000204 = 96040393//96040392, where // denotes concatenation.

%Y Cf. A115429, A116262, A116281, A116283, A116290.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 06 2006