Numbers k such that k concatenated with k+6 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 9.

%I #6 Jul 19 2021 01:18:46

%S 24,26,1014,1196,4280,4646,10512559797957763880,22117246687805424846,

%T 24058546574769555806,25959521962351403984,28059292876752476030,

%U 45666404019969616806,51120259070514684854,56575813788698035286

%N Numbers k such that k concatenated with k+6 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 9.

%e 4646//4652 = 6812 * 6821, where // denotes concatenation.

%Y Cf. A116197, A116202, A116211, A116334.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 06 2006