Numbers k such that k concatenated with k-2 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 1.

%I #8 Jul 20 2021 23:44:39

%S 4,5303944,6677714,2070936216988528558,2969428172738875624,

%T 6685545813563350444,8013829604553736451395958429212,

%U 9724110515510343256451213152382

%N Numbers k such that k concatenated with k-2 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 1.

%e 6677714//6677712 = 8171728 * 8171729, where // denotes

%e concatenation.

%Y Cf. A116134, A054214, A116154, A116272.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 06 2006