Numbers k such that k concatenated with k-5 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 1.

%I #6 Jul 21 2021 22:47:52

%S 7,55,5255,6295,75511,92137,5551405,7943911,1257669432489239675,

%T 2148743977942130765,2877834685014859837,4164942361780146967,

%U 10235898967817894552965,15389481849681116007757

%N Numbers k such that k concatenated with k-5 gives the product of two numbers which differ by 1.

%Y Cf. A116115, A116121, A116134, A116251.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Feb 06 2006