%I #5 May 19 2015 06:29:24
%S 7,-23,19,-11,11,-6049,-21613,-90508571,-3900532722347,
%T -682342247955237967,-582977855082068353785701,
%U -137796593884898105670153879336641,-1178587648547585802037207041523952332253,-3998688919354698660438533512261373544028557044041
%N Numerator of the sum s(n) of the reciprocals of the Bernoulli numbers B(2k), k=0..n.
%H Colin Barker, <a href="/A115023/b115023.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..41</a>
%o (PARI)
%o partial_sums(v) = {my(w=vector(#v)); w[1]=v[1]; for(i=2, #v, w[i]=w[i-1]+v[i]); w}
%o a115023(size) = {p=partial_sums(vector(size, k, k--; 1/bernfrac(2*k))); vector(size, k, numerator(p[k]))}
%o a115023(20) \\ _Colin Barker_, May 19 2015
%K sign,frac
%O 1,1
%A Pasquale Cutolo (p.cutolo(AT)inwind.it), Feb 24 2006