Primes with 50 as smallest positive primitive root.

%I #8 Nov 26 2023 02:04:14

%S 23126821,335139421,427990531,709267021,738459541,809484061,

%T 1016774221,1075376821,1122243739,1492684411,1557748501,1744951261,

%U 2726543821,2772069301,3146962261,3267684421,3395830621,3691544011,3705614221,3873482341,4315462621,4959079861

%N Primes with 50 as smallest positive primitive root.

%H Robert Price, <a href="/A114666/b114666.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..332</a>

%t (* first load *) << NumberTheory`NumberTheoryFunctions` (* then *) t = {}; Do[ If[ PrimitiveRoot[ Prime@n] == 50, AppendTo[t, n]; Print@Prime@n], {n, 235000000}]; Prime@t

%Y Cf. A001122-A001126, A061323-A061335, A061730-A061741, A114657-A114686.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Dec 21 2005

%E a(20)-a(22) from _Robert Price_, Nov 25 2023