n multiples of n such that a(n) is a multiple of n. The n-th group contains n multiples of n. Arranged sequentially the n-th term is a multiple of n.

%I #13 Jun 05 2015 05:16:44

%S 1,2,6,12,15,6,28,8,36,20,55,60,65,70,15,48,102,18,114,60,42,154,161,

%T 168,175,182,189,28,232,120,248,32,264,136,280,72,333,342,117,360,369,

%U 126,387,396,45,230,470,240,490,50,510,260,530,270,110,616,627,638,649,660,671,682,693,704,715,66

%N n multiples of n such that a(n) is a multiple of n. The n-th group contains n multiples of n. Arranged sequentially the n-th term is a multiple of n.

%H Ivan Neretin, <a href="/A114103/b114103.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..5050</a>

%F T(n,k) = lcm(n,A000217(n-1)+k). - _R. J. Mathar_, May 10 2007

%e 1, (2,6), (12,15,6), (28,8,36,20), (55,60,65,70,15),(48,102,18,114,60,42),...

%p A000217 := proc(n) n*(n+1)/2 ; end: T := proc(n,k) lcm(n,A000217(n-1)+k) ; end: for n from 1 to 20 do for k from 1 to n do printf("%d, ",T(n,k)) ; od ; od ; # _R. J. Mathar_, May 10 2007

%t Flatten[Table[LCM[n, n (n - 1)/2 + k], {n, 11}, {k, n}]] (* _Ivan Neretin_, Jun 05 2015 *)

%Y Cf. A114104, A114105.

%K nonn,tabl,look

%O 1,2

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Nov 21 2005

%E More terms from _R. J. Mathar_, May 10 2007