Members of 3-cycles of permutation A111273.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 17:27:47

%S 1734,2312,4335,4804,6005,7494,8407,8994,9992,10493,12548,13491,16004,

%T 18244,18735,18822,19268,20005,21956,21959,22805,23412,24026,24964,

%U 25363,26076,27332,28007,28902,30020,30692,31205,31927,32934,33167

%N Members of 3-cycles of permutation A111273.

%C Trajectory of n under map k -> A111273(k) is periodic with period length 3.

%C n = A111273(A111273(A111273(n))), n <> A111273(A111273(n)), n <> A111273(n).

%C Apparently A111273 has infinitely many 3-cycles.

%C The only k-cycles with k > 3 and terms < 240000 are the 4-cycles (84326,126489,149487,91992) and (94138,98417,135761,141207), the 6-cycle (4,5,15,8,6,7), the 7-cycle (16,17,51,34,35,30,31) and the 13-cycle (28,29,87,58,59,118,119,68,46,47,94,95,48).

%e A111273(7494) = 18735, A111273(18735) = 9992 and A111273(9992) = 7494, hence

%e 7494, 9992 and 18735 are in the sequence.

%Y Cf. A111273, A113659, A113700.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Klaus Brockhaus_, Nov 08 2005