Least multiple of n in which the n-th digit from left is 3.

%I #10 Mar 27 2018 08:44:33

%S 3,130,123,10032,100030,1000032,1000013,100000032,100000053,

%T 10000000030,10000000043,1000000000032,1000000000103,100000000000138,

%U 1000000000000035,10000000000000032,10000000000000033,1000000000000000134

%N Least multiple of n in which the n-th digit from left is 3.

%e a(4)= 10032, in which the fourth digit is 3.

%o (PARI) dig(n,digno,base) = { local(nshif) ; nshif=n ; for(shifr=0,digno-1, nshif = floor(nshif/base) ; ) ; nshif % base ; } ndig(n,base) = { local(nshif,resul) ; nshif=n ; resul=1 ; while(nshif>0, nshif = floor(nshif/base) ; if( nshif>0, resul++, break) ; ) ; return(resul) ; } { for (n = 1, 23, anmin=10^(n-1) ; if ( ( n % 2 == 0 ) || (n %5 == 0), anmin *= 10) ; if ( ( n % 20 == 0 ) || (n %50 == 0), anmin *= 10) ; for( nex = anmin,anmin+10000000000000000000000, if ( ( nex % n) != 0, next ; ) ; nexd=ndig(nex,10) ; if( dig(nex,nexd-n,10)==3, print(nex,",") ; break ; ) ; ); ) } \\ _R. J. Mathar_, Mar 15 2006

%Y Cf. A113556, A113557.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Nov 06 2005

%E More terms from _R. J. Mathar_, Mar 15 2006