
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Scrabble value of English word for the number n.

%I #27 Apr 22 2023 10:37:10

%S 13,3,6,8,7,10,10,8,9,4,3,9,12,11,11,13,14,12,12,8,12,15,18,20,19,22,

%T 22,20,21,16,12,15,18,20,19,22,22,20,21,16,11,14,17,19,18,21,21,19,20,

%U 15,14,17,20,22,21,24,24,22,23,18,15,18,21,23,22,25,25,23,24,19,13,16,19

%N Scrabble value of English word for the number n.

%C The name Scrabble is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the US and Canada and of J. W. Spear & Sons PLC elsewhere.

%C Is 12 the unique fixed point of Scrabble value of English word for the number n, where A113172(n) = n? 12 --> "TWELVE" --> 1+4+1+1+4+1 --> 12. - _Jonathan Vos Post_, Nov 08 2006

%H Landon Curt Noll, <a href="http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/math/number/number.html">The English Name of a Number</a>

%H Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="/A000027/a000027.txt">English names for the numbers from 0 to 11159 without spaces or hyphens</a>

%F The standard, non-bonus scrabble scoring total of the letters comprising English integer words, given that (A080993) A = 1, B = 3, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, F = 4, G = 2, H = 4, I = 1, J = 8, K = 5, L = 1, M = 3, N = 1, O = 1, P = 3, Q = 10, R = 1, S = 1, T = 1, U = 1, V = 4, W = 4, X = 8, Y = 4, Z = 10.

%e ONE = 1+1+1 = 3, TWO = 1+4+1 = 6, THREE = 1+4+1+1+1 = 8

%t (* first copy 'TA' from A109382 then *)

%t ScrabbleTransferRule = {a -> 1, b -> 3, c -> 3, d -> 2, e -> 1, f -> 4, g -> 2, h -> 4, i -> 1, j -> 8, k -> 5, l -> 1, m -> 3, n -> 1, o -> 1, p -> 3, q -> 10, r -> 1, s -> 1, t -> 1, u -> 1, v -> 4, w -> 4, x -> 8, y -> 4, z -> 10};

%t f[n_] := Plus @@ (Flatten@ Part[TA, n + 1] /. ScrabbleTransferRule);

%t Table[ f@n, {n, 0, 72}] (* _Robert G. Wilson v_, Nov 02 2006 *)

%o (Python)

%o from num2words import num2words

%o tp = {"aeilnorstu": 1, "dg": 2, "bcmp":3, "fhvwy":4, "k":5, "jx":8, "qz":10}

%o def pts(c): return ([tp[s] for s in tp if c in s]+[0])[0]

%o def a(n): return sum(map(pts, num2words(n).replace(" and", "")))

%o print([a(n) for n in range(73)]) # _Michael S. Branicky_, Aug 18 2021

%Y Cf. A080993, A167052 (Spanish).

%K easy,nonn,word

%O 0,1

%A Jack Lloyd (foldalonglines(AT)gmail.com), Jan 07 2006

%E More terms from _Robert G. Wilson v_, Nov 02 2006