Large-number statistic from the enumeration of domino tilings of a 7-pillow of order n.

%I #4 Jun 01 2010 03:00:00

%S 1,1,1,1,1,2,3,7,11,28,51,154,389,1556,4833,22477,80532,440512,

%T 1916580,13388593,73763989,632754664,4175659899,42606281476,

%U 336819337955,4181786155008,40981322633555,630857431556758,7576627032674784

%N Large-number statistic from the enumeration of domino tilings of a 7-pillow of order n.

%C A 7-pillow is a generalized Aztec pillow. The 7-pillow of order n is a rotationally-symmetric region. It has a 2 X 2n central band of squares and then steps up from this band with steps of 7 horizontal squares to every 1 vertical square and steps down with steps of 1 horizontal square to every 1 vertical square.

%D C. Hanusa (2005). A Gessel-Viennot-Type Method for Cycle Systems with Applications to Aztec Pillows. PhD Thesis. University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

%e The number of domino tilings of the 7-pillow of order 8 is 23353=11^2*193. A112840(n)=11.

%Y A112839 breaks down as A112840^2 times A112841, where A112841 is not necessarily squarefree.

%Y 3-pillows: A112833-A112835; 5-pillows: A112836-A112838; 9-pillows: A112842-A112844.

%K nonn

%O 0,6

%A Christopher Hanusa (chanusa(AT)math.binghamton.edu), Sep 21 2005