a(n) = the period of the first differences of the n-th row of A112060 (or A112070), or 0 if that row does not have a periodic first difference.

%I #7 Mar 22 2017 03:38:14

%S 2,4,6,16,72,420,3240

%N a(n) = the period of the first differences of the n-th row of A112060 (or A112070), or 0 if that row does not have a periodic first difference.

%C These values have been computed empirically. An independent recomputation or a mathematical proof would be welcome. The initial terms factored: 2, 2*2, 2*3, 2*2*2*3*3, 2*2*7*3*5, 2*2*2*3*3*3*3*5, ...

%Y These are the periods of A010684, A112132, A112133, A112134, A112135, A112136, A112137, etc. (Periods of A112138 & A112139 not computed yet.) If we sum the period length prefixes of these sequences, as Sum_{i=1..a(1)} A010684(i), Sum_{i=1..a(2)} A112132(i), Sum_{i=1..a(3)} A112133(i), etc., we get the sequence 4, 12, 60, 420, 4620, 60060, 1021020, ... (cf. A097250) and when doubled, it yields: 8, 24, 120, 840, 9240, 120120, 2042040, ... (cf. A066631 and A102476).

%K nonn,more

%O 1,1

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Aug 28 2005