Smallest divisor of n-th composite number (A002808(n)) which has not occurred earlier in the sequence.
1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 8, 9, 10, 21, 11, 12, 25, 13, 27, 14, 30, 16, 33, 17, 35, 18, 19, 39, 20, 42, 22, 45, 23, 24, 49, 50, 51, 26, 54, 55, 28, 57, 29, 60, 31, 63, 32, 65, 66, 34, 69, 70, 36, 37, 75, 38, 77, 78, 40, 81, 41, 84, 85, 43, 87, 44, 90, 91, 46, 93, 47, 95, 48, 98, 99
A permutation of the natural numbers. Subsidiary sequence: k :a(k) = k.
This sequence is a permutation of the positive integers. - Leroy Quet, Feb 03 2007
Diana L. Mecum and Michael De Vlieger, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from Diana L. Mecum)
Smallest divisor of the n-th composite number not already in the sequence.
The 7th composite integer is 14. The divisors of 14 are 1,2,7,14. Of these, 1 and 2 occur among the first 6 terms of the sequence. So 7 is the lowest divisor of 14 which is missing from the first 6 terms of the sequence. Therefore a(7) = 7. - Leroy Quet, Feb 03 2007
The 13th composite number is 22. Its divisors are {1, 2, 11, 22}. 1 and 2 are already in the sequence. The smallest divisor of 22 which is not already in the sequence is 11. So a(13)=11. - Diana L. Mecum, Jan 03 2009
N:= 200: # to get up to a(m), where m is the number of composites <= N
Comps:= {$2..N} minus select(isprime, {2, seq(2*i+1, i=1..floor((N-1)/2))}):
S:= {}:
for n from 1 to nops(Comps) do
A[n]:= min(numtheory:-divisors(Comps[n]) minus S);
S:= S union {A[n]}
seq(A[n], n=1..nops(Comps)); # Robert Israel, Apr 21 2015
f[l_List] := Block[{n = Length[l] + 1, c = 1, k = n}, While[k > 0, c++; While[PrimeQ[c], c++]; k--; ]; Append[l, First[Select[Divisors[c], FreeQ[l, #] &]]]]; Nest[f, {}, 10000] (* Ray Chandler, Feb 07 2007 *)
CompositeList = Drop[Complement[Range[2741], Prime[Range[400]]], 1]; sequence = {1, 2, 4, 3}; Do[AppendTo[sequence, DeleteCases[Table[If[! MemberQ[sequence, Divisors[CompositeList[[n]]][[j]]], Divisors[CompositeList[[n]]][[j]], ], {j, 1, Length[Divisors[CompositeList[[n]]]]}], Null][[1]]], {n, 5, 1000}]; sequence (* Diana L. Mecum, Jul 21 2012 *)
Cf. A002808.
Sequence in context: A275335 A056019 A125963 * A275657 A107896 A107897
Amarnath Murthy, Nov 11 2005
Added terms a(23) - a(999) - Diana L. Mecum, Jan 03 2009, corrected Jul 21 2012