Concerning the popular MMORPG "Runescape" by JAGeX corporation, this sequence gives the number of experience points needed for a given level in a skill.

%I #5 Aug 16 2015 21:40:18

%S 0,83,174,276,388,512,650,801,969,1154,1358,1584,1833,2107,2411,2746,

%T 3115,3523,3973,4470,5018,5624,6291,7028,7842,8740,9730,10824,12031,

%U 13363,14833,16456,18247,20224,22406,24815,27473,30408,33648,37224

%N Concerning the popular MMORPG "Runescape" by JAGeX corporation, this sequence gives the number of experience points needed for a given level in a skill.

%H JAGeX, <a href="http://www.runescape.com">Runescape</a>.

%H Author?, <a href="http://maddogcarter.com/phil/runescape/xpformula.html">XP table and formula</a>

%F xp(n) = floor( sum( floor(x + 300*2^(x/7), x, 1, n-1) ) / 4 ) Notation: sum(equation, variable, first index, last index)

%K dumb,nonn

%O 1,2

%A Daniel Hayes (swedishlf(AT)hotmail.com), Oct 11 2005