%I #12 Jul 23 2023 01:51:09
%S 2,3,5,7,919,31513,1008001,1123211,1160611,1268621,1286821,1311131,
%T 1317131,1412141,1628261,1802081,1826281,3187813,3228223,3245423,
%U 3286823,3291923,3362633,3528253,3591953,3765673,3773773,3781873
%N Palindromic primes p such that digit sum of p is a substring.
%C Cf. A052019 Sum of digits of prime p is substring of p.
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A109208/b109208.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..54</a> (all terms up to the 5 millionth prime)
%e 31513 is a term because its digit sum 13 is a substring of 31513.
%t bb={};Do[id=IntegerDigits[p=Prime[n]];If[StringCount[ToString[p], ToString[Plus@@id]]>0&&Reverse[id]==id, AppendTo[bb, p]], {n, 1000000}];A109208=bb
%t Select[Prime[Range[300000]],PalindromeQ[#]&&SequenceCount[IntegerDigits[#],IntegerDigits[ Total[ IntegerDigits[ #]]]]>0&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 04 2021 *)
%Y Cf. A052019.
%K base,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Zak Seidov_, Jun 22 2005